dawn|dawned|dawning|dawns in English



become light; begin, start; become clear; start to understand

Use "dawn|dawned|dawning|dawns" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dawn|dawned|dawning|dawns" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dawn|dawned|dawning|dawns", or refer to the context using the word "dawn|dawned|dawning|dawns" in the English Dictionary.

1. 19 synonyms for Cockcrow: aurora, dawn, dawning, daybreak, morn, morning, sunrise, sunup, aurora

2. The morning dawned brightly.

3. The morning dawned bright and sunny.

4. The day dawned cold and frosty.

5. 2 The day was dawning.

6. Then the ghastly truth dawned on me.

7. The day dawned with a Cloudless sky

8. Each morning, opportunity—like the sun—dawns Anew

9. Be reverent before each dawning day.

10. A new technological age had dawned.

11. There will be other dawns, nights, gaudy noons.

12. The present day gloomily dawned.

13. Monday dawned warm and rainless.

14. 7 The day was just dawning.

15. Victory was dawning on the battle front.

16. This millennium's day of reincarnation is dawning

17. The dawns here in the mountains are very beautiful.

18. All across the land, dawns a brand new morn.

19. Dawned palaeotypography outform slangiest Bousoukis rhythmed

20. The day dawned bright and sunny.

21. As realization dawned, he went pale.

22. The day dawned with a cloudless sky.

23. A new age for mankind is dawning.

24. 18 Be reverent before each dawning day.

25. Expect frosty nights, foggy dawns, and snow on the Alpine passes.